Di: Conservatoria delle Cucine Mediterranee
Non ci sono progetti

Deadline project proposals: 01-09-2020
Deadline partner’s expression of interest in participating in the project proposal: 15-07-2020
Action, Measure in the framework Action, Measure in the framework of “Europe for Citizens” Programme: Strand 2. Democratic engagement and civic participation. Civil society project
The project aims to offer younger and older citizens the opportunity to reflect on the reasons behind European policies against the exploitation of migrant workers in the agricultural sector, to inform and sensitize consumers on the importance of awareness of their purchases and to strengthen the debate on the relevance of EU policies on citizens' daily lives by providing target groups with the knowledge to actively participate in the EU's democratic process. Another major theme of the project will be to inform and help small producers to access EU funding and to activate networks with partner country farms through the exchange of good practices. The heart of the project will be public meetings and national seminars, in which participants will be motivated to understand the importance of their purchasing choices, and how these can contribute to the growth of a healthy, legal and transparent supply chain.