ECP Albania

Rr Kavajes, nr.1001. Tirane-Albania.
Tel: 00355 42 225353
Fax: 0335 42271259
Contact : Niko Bollo, Head of European Integration Unit.
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ECP Austria

Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture
Unit IA/4 EU Culture Policy – EU Programme Europe for citizens
Concordiaplatz 2
A-1014 Vienna
Tel.: +43 / 1 53120 / 7695
Fax: +43 / 1 53120 / 81 7695
Contact: Dr. Sigrid Olbrich
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ECP Belgio

The department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Media
Arenbergstraat, 9
BE - 1000 Brussel
Tel: +32/2 553 06 70
Contact: Mrs. Marie Renier/ Mrs. Christine Claus
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ECP Bulgaria

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
“Information and Communication” Directorate
Sofia 1113, 2, Al. Zendov Str.
Contact: Penka Vassileva, Civil Servant
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Directorate “Information and communication”
Unit “European Communication”
Tel.: +359 (2) 948 21 31, 948 2155
Fax: +359 (2) 870-02-26
Mobile: +0888 321 651

ECP Cipro

1, Diogenous Street (Block A, 4 floor)
2404 Nicosia
Tel: + 357 2 245 43 33
Fax: + 357 2 266 00 09
Contact: A. Michaelides - Melinda Kuthy - Stelios Stylianou
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ECP Croazia

Government of the Republic of Croatia, Office for Cooperation with NGOs
Radnička cesta 80/V
10 000 Zagreb
Tel. +385 1/4599-810
Fax: +385 1/4599-811
Contacts: Ms Maja Tomičić, Mrs Marta Raljević
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Web site:

ECP Danimarca

Local Government Denmark
Weidekampsgade 10, Postboks 3370,
Tel.: +45-33-70 33 70
Fax: +45-33-70 30 51

ECP Estonia

National Foundation of Civil Society
Toompuiestee 33a, 10149, Tallinn, Estonia
Tel: +372 6560487/ +372 55685989
Contact: Ms Maris Pajula
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ECP Finlandia

CIMO (Centre for International Mobility)
Hakaniemenranta 6
P.O.Box 343
FI- 00531 Helsinki
Tel. +358 295 338 500(operator)
Fax:+358 9 753 1123
Contact: Mr. Mauri Uusilehto
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ECP Francia

CIDEM (Association civisme et démocratie)
3-5 Rue Saint Fargeau
FR- Paris 75020
Tel: +33 / 1 43 14 39 47
Fax:+33 / 1 43 14 39 50
Contact: Mrs Marion Baby
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ECP Fyrom

Ministry of Education and Science
"Mito Hadzi-Vasilev" str.NN
1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
Tel: +389 75 367 168
Fax: + 389 2 3118 414
Contact Ms. Aneta Trpevska
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ECP Germania

Kontaktstelle Deutschland Europa für Bürgerinnen und Bürger
bei der Kulturpolitischen Gesellschaft e.V
Weberstrasse 59 a
DE-53113 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0) 228 20 167 29
Fax: +49 (0) 228 20 167 32
Contact: Mrs Christine Wingert-Beckmann
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ECP Grecia

Ministry of Interior
Directorate of Development Projects & International Organisations
Section of Relations with International Organisations
Contact: Antonios Karvounis
Stadiou 27
10183 Athens
Tel: +30 2103744975
Fax:+30 2103744713 
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ECP Irlanda

IPA (Institute of Public Administration)
57-61 Lansdowne Road
IE- Dublin 4
Tel : +353/124 03 600
Fax: +353/16689135
Contact: Ms Teresa Casserly 
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ECP Lettonia

Ministry of Culture of the republic of Latvia
11a K. Valdemara Str.
LV-1364 Riga
Tel: Laura Turjala +371/ 67 330 228 - A. Lukins +371/67 330 289
Fax +371/ 67 22 79 16
Contact: Mrs Laura Turlaja - Mr. Andrejs Lukins
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ECP Lituania

Tarptautiniu kulturos programu centras (International Cultural Programme Centre)
Z. Sierakausko st. 15, LT–03105 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 2616687
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ECP Paesi Bassi

SICA Dutch Centre for International Cultural Activities 
Haarlemmerweg 10F 
1014 BE Amsterdam 
Tel.: +31 (0) 20 6164 225 
Fax: +31 (0) 20 6128 152 
Contact: Ms Ellen Adriaanssen – Mr Robert Kieft 
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ECP Polonia

Europe for Citizens Point Poland - Punkt Kontaktowy Programu Europa dla Obywateli
Adam Mickiewicz Institute
Ul. Mokotowska 25
00560 Warszawa
Tel: +48/22 3361207; +48/22 3361208
Fax: +48/22 44 76 152
Contact: Mrs Joanna Babenkowska - Ms Marta Dabrowska
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ECP Repubblica Ceca

Program Evropa pro občany
odbor informování o evropských záležitostech / European Affairs Information Department
Úřad vlády ČR / Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4, 118 01 Praha 1
tel.: +420 / 224 002 645
gsm: + 420 / 725 755 503
Contact: Mrs. Kateřina Hamplová
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ECP Romania

Centre for Research and Consultancy in the field of Culture
Barbu Delavrancea Street 57
011353 Bucharest
Tel. +40/ 21 316 60 60
Fax +40/ 21 316 60 61
Contact: Mrs Oana Balutescu
E-mail: Info: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

ECP Serbia

Ms Ivana Cirkovic
Director of Office for Cooperation with Civil Society
Government of Republic of Serbia
Boulevard Mihaila Pupina 2, Belgrade, Serbia
Tel.: +381 11 311 3859, +381 11 313 0968

ECP Slovakia

Jakubovo nam.12
813 57 Bratislava 1
Tel.: 00421/(0)2 204 879 00
Mobil: 00421/(0)915 891 342
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ECP Slovenia

Movit Na Mladina
Dunajska cesta 22
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel. +386 1 430 47 47
Contact: Ms Živa Mahkota
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ECP Spagna

PEC (Punto Europeo de Ciudadanía)
Plaza del Rey, 1
ES-28004 Madrid
Tel: +34/91 701 7466
Fax:+34/91 701 7219
Contact: Mr Augusto Paramio / Ms Tamar Lavado
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ECP Svezia

Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society
Box 17 801, SE-118 94 STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Besök/visitors: Medborgarplatsen 3, plan 11
Tel +46(0)8-566 219 00
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ECP Ungheria

TPF Tempus Public Foundation (Tempus Kozalapitvany)
Lónyay u. 31.
HU-1093 Budapest
Tel: +36/ 1 2371300
Fax:+36/ 1 2391329
Contact: Mrs Katalin Horvath
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