Di: Collegio del Mondo Unito dell'Adriatico
Non ci sono progetti

Deadline project proposals: 01-10-2020
Deadline partner’s expression of interest in participating in the project proposal: 15-08-2020
Action, Measure in the framework Action, Measure in the framework of “Europe for Citizens” Programme: Strand 2. Democratic engagement and civic participation. Civil society project
EUROSTAT has carried out an analysis aimed at measuring some indicators related to active citizenship and participation in the production of community well-being in different EU countries. The analysis shows a very diversified European framework: in which some countries have high values of participation in both formal and informal volunteering, while there are countries with very low levels of involvement, including Italy. The project aims to encourage the democratic and civic participation of young citizens inside the European Union allowing them to create - through valunteering - the proper conditions to foster social commitment and intercultural dialogue. The project's activities foster the achievement of the Program goals 2018-2020 by promoting solidarity and a sense of civic duty among young people with particular attention to those aged from 15 years. Open Door HUB sterms from a project develaped in Friuli Venezia Giulia that has achieved excellent results in involving young people in volunteering. The tested model - which the project intend to replicate at European level - supports young people in being protagonists of concrete projects and solutions promoted by themselves with respect to the problems of the territory they come from. The project will be implemented in Italy (Trieste and Rome). Slovenia (Ljubljanal,. Austria (Gratz), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mostar). France (Strasbourg). Two main tools will be developed during the project implementation: the HUBS for youth communities and the EUsocial magazine. The field activity will consist of participative workshops open to young people (involved through schools and associations) carried out in the HUBS for youth communities and implementation of the actions established during the workshops. The volunteer activities will be narrated through the EUsocial magazine. Activities are planned to exchange experiences through 4 plenary sessions gathering of project partners and young volunteers.