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Deadline project proposals: 01-03-2020
Action, Measure in the framework Action, Measure in the framework of “Europe for Citizens” Programme: Strand 2. Democratic engagement and civic participation. Networks of towns, Strand 2. Democratic engagement and civic participation. Civil society project

Eurovelo 7: the connection route for disadvan-taged people

The project aims at sharing ways for the social and labor inclusion of disadvantaged people, supporting the EU cohesion policy.

Each city of the network will define its target group: people with disabilities, younger and older workers, low-skilled workers, migrants and ethnic minorities, people who live in deprived areas, and women in the labour market.

The project wants to face unemployement of the target group involving the target in activities relat-ed to the sport sector, both investing in people's skills and capabilities and studying possible ways of their labor engagement: e.g. in bicycle maintenance offices, bike museums, … any existing structure or structure that might be built thanks to the creation of the Eurovelo 7 path. For exemple, San Giovanni in Persiceto is currently planning a “Bed&Bike” close to the Eurovelo 7 and we think there might be other structures currently underway where disad-vantaged people could play an active role.

Role of the partner organisation in the project: Lead partner/Project partner.

Comments from the applicant Partners:  only from cities crossed by the Eurovelo 7 cycle path.

2019_06_S. Giovanni in Persiceto.pdf
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