European Commission
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali

Associazione NET

Associazione NET

Non ci sono progetti | via Alfieri 9 35020 Ponte San Nicolo' (Padova)
L'Associazione N.E.T. è un'associazione no profit fondata nel 2001 da esperti della formazione e del settore educativo. L’associazione si rivolge principalmente a svantaggiati quali donne, disoccupati di lunga durata, anziani, disabili e genitori single per fornire un supporto e aiuto dal punto di vista sociale, formativo ed occupazionale. L'associazione è molto attiva a livello locale e regionale, grazie alla collaborazione con enti pubblici e istituzioni come Regioni, Comuni, unità sanitarie locali (ULSS), università, camere di commercio, ma non solo. L’ Associazione N.E.T. è molto attiva nell’ambito terzo settore per sviluppare attività auto-sostenibili ed equo solidali e per sviluppare un'economia sostenibile attraverso il microcredito grazie alla collaborazione con le cooperative e le associazioni del settore privato che in Italia sostituiscono il settore pubblico in molte situazioni.

Proposte progettuali scadute

3 GIUGNO 2020 - Associazione NET
Abstract: THEATRE FOR ALL – drama performance to fight against intolerance and discrimination. Intercultural dialogue is promoted both by the Council of Europe and the European Union through their policies and programmes in the field of youth and in other sectors, such as Education, Multilingualism, Culture and Integration.In the Council of Europe it is understood as an ‘open and respectful exchange of views between individuals, groups with different ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds and heritage on the basis of mutual understanding and respect. It operates at all levels – within societies, between the societies of Europe and between Europe and the wider world' (White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue- 2008). The awareness and understanding brought by intercultural dialogue are seen as means of reconciliation and tolerance, as well as preventing conflicts and ensuring integration and the cohesion of society as well as .In the European Union, intercultural dialogue is seen as ‘an instrument to assist European citizens, and all those living in the European Union, in acquiring the knowledge and attitudes to enable them to deal with a more open and more complex environment' (Decision concerning the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue - 2008)Recent political developments in Europe and the US (notably the Brexit referendum and the US and French presidential elections) have come to remind us how quickly nationalism (as opposed to patriotism) can become a dominant ideology, bringing about a radically negative transformation of the society – of certain citizens. The campaign is almost invariably done by exploiting fear and ignorance and blaming the “Other” AIMSAgainst this background the THEATRE FOR ALL project aims at using the theatre art to involve migrants, local citizens and youths to mutual understanding and intercultural exchange. Our mission is to support, produce and promote the theatre art by and about migrants and refugees, involving the community.Moreover the overall aim of the THEATRE FOR ALL project is to contribute to greater social cohesion and intercommunity understanding in the countries participating. The more specific objective is to use drama and theatre art to challenge commonly held racist attitudes and negative stereotypes of minorities and indigenous peoples and spread the European values of equal dignity, mutual respect, civic rights, tolerance. MAIN ACTIVITIES 1.    Putting on stage migrants life stories edited in each country with humour and/or tragedy and performed in open theatre located in each country. At least 3 performances in each country. Actors involved will be migrants but also local youth and elderly.Debate at the end of the performance. Comparison of ideas. Speaking about the fundamental European values, intercultural dialogue and the fear of the “other” RESULTS 1.    Racist, discrimination, intolerance attitudes are challenged by theatre art events held in each country.2.    At least one national story in each project country.3.    A 20 minute movie in each country, showing the performance.4.    Media coverage of theatre art productions challenging racist, discrimination, intolerance attitudes held by many of the majority population in each focus country and fostering intercultural dialogue.


Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo
Segretariato Generale
Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma