European Commission
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali

Projects looking for Partners

V prihodnosti morda ne bo več pitne vode, svežega zraka, zdrave hrane, pozitivnih človeških odnosov,… To je naša realnost že sedaj, a se tega v pravi meri še ne zavedamo. Primeroma uporabljamo ustekleničeno vodo in porabljamo sredstva za surovine, ki jih je v naravi v izobilju, nezavedajoč se, da smo jih s svojim načinom življenja zastrupili. Uporabljamo vso mogočo tehnologijo, ne da bi se zavedali, da nas je ta odtujila od osebnega stika. Tako hitimo in tako močno si želimo prihodnosti in izpolnitve, ki nas tam čaka, da zanemarjamo sedanjost in s tem Življenje. Na osebnem nivoju se to odraža na zdravju telesa & psihe, globalno pa na zdravju celotnega planeta & družbe. 

In the future there may be no drinking water, fresh air, healthy food, positive human relationships, ... This is our reality already, but we are not really aware of this. For example, we use bottled water and consume resources for raw materials that are naturally abundant, ignorant of having been poisoned by their way of life. We use all possible technologies, without realizing that it has alienated us from personal contact. We rush so fast and we so want the future of fulfillment, waiting for us to ignore the present in this Life. On a personal level, it reflects on the health of the body and the psyche, and globally to the health of the entire planet and society. 

Partnerja bosta v okviru projekta vlagala v krepitev znanja o vplivih podnebnih sprememb in načinih prilagajanja, širše sodelovanje s skupnostjo in medsebojno povezovanje, dvig izobraženosti, usposobljenosti, ozaveščenosti in informiranosti o vplivih podnebnih sprememb svojih kadrov ter oblikovanje skupne politike na področju potrebnih ukrepov trajnostnega razvoja. Prednostno bosta partnerja primerjalno raziskala projektni območji, kje in kako živimo zdaj ter kje in kako bomo živeli v prihodnosti, z vključevanjem širše laične in strokovne javnosti. Analiza stanja bo partnerjema podlaga za izvedbo izobraževalnih delavnic za trajnostni razvoj, katerih se bodo udeležili kadri partnerjev, ter nadalje iskanje rešitev za prilagajanje vplivom podnebnih sprememb ter s tem ocenjevanje in obvladovanje ranljivosti naravnih in človeških sistemov pred vplivi poplav, suš, dvigovanja morske gladine, bolezni in vročinskih valov, projektnem območju. Za trajnostno spremljanje rešitev in ukrepov na področju prilagajanja podnebnim spremembam bosta partnerja izdelala javno dostopno e-platforma. Izdelana bo tudi skupna strategija trajnostnega razvoja partnerjevter akcijski načrt trajnostnih ukrepov za dosego strategije. 

In the framework of the project, the partners will invest in strengthening the knowledge on climate change impacts and modes of adaptation, wider cooperation with the community and interconnection, raising education, skills, awareness and information on the impacts of climate change on their personnel and the development of a common policy in the area of necessary sustainable development measures. Preferably, the partners will compare the project areas, where and how we live now, and where and how we will live in the future, with the involvement of a wider lay public and professional public. The analysis of the situation will provide the partners with the basis for the implementation of educational workshops for sustainable development, which will be attended by the partners of the partners, and further find solutions for adapting to the effects of climate 

change, thus assessing and managing the vulnerability of natural and human systems against the effects of floods, droughts, diseases and heatwaves, ... in the project area. For a sustainable monitoring of climate change adaptation solutions and measures, partners will create a publicly available e-platform. A joint sustainable development strategy will also be developed by the partners, the action plan for sustainable measures to achieve the strategy. 

Cilji projekta so: 

- Partnersko povezovanje in oblikovanje skupne politike v prilagajanju vplivom podnebnih sprememb; 

- Oblikovati skupne rešitve in ukrepe za zmanjšanje izpostavljenosti vplivom podnebnih sprememb na projektnem območju; 

- Krepiti znanje o vplivih podnebnih sprememb in načinih prilagajanja podnebnim spremembam. 


The objectives of the project are: - Partnership integration and the creation of a common policy in adapting to the impacts of climate change; - Develop common solutions and measures to reduce exposure to the effects of climate change in the project area; 

- Strengthen knowledge of the impacts of climate change and ways of adapting to climate change. 

Vloga partnerske organizacije v projektu / Role of the partner organisation in the project 
Vodenje in koordinacija vseh projektnih dejavnosti - funkcionalno, upravno in finančno upravljanje projekta, komuniciranje, poročanje, oceno učinkov in spremljanje projekta. / Management and coordination of all project activities - functional, administrative and financial project management, communication, reporting, impact assessment and project monitoring. 
Skrbnik projekta / Project manager 
Monika Holc, univ. dipl. ekon. 
Končni izdelki 
1 primerjalna raziskava / comparative study 

6 izobraževalnih delavnic / training workshops 

1 zaključna konferenca / final conference 

1 strategija trajnostnega razvoja / sustainable development strategy 

1 akcijski načrt za uresničevanje strategije trajnostnega razvoja / an action plan for the implementation of the sustainable development strategy 

1 e-platforma za trajnostni razvoj / e-platform for sustainable development 

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Today's person has to be creative and interested in european politics. We are seeking to find ways to promote citizens' interest in their culture, common european history and politics. It is important not to forget that a citizen is a happy person, when he can realize himself in activities that he likes. However, sometimes it is crucial to direct him in the right direction and provide a wider choice. It is a new innovative approach of making business that promotes citizenship and european politics. It inspires to look at yourself as a citizen, as a member of society, as a volunteer that seeks to know and creat. 

General aim: gather community of volunteers, scientists, students, researchers, creators and active european citizens and give it a work place, equipment and opportunity to find out Europe's cultural differences and similarities. We are also seeking to explore citizenship, democracy and Europe in a creative and entrepreneurial way. 

Specific aim: Network of Partners. 

Main activities: 

Five meetings (events). Two events in partners' 

countries and three events in Lithuania, Panevėžys city. 


We will promote the citizenship, review the politics of different countries and educate a creative society. 

1. Event (2 days) 

Topic: Volunteering in Europe. Can it be a business start? Good practise and possible challenges. 

Workshop: Knowledge through practise. 

Teamwork: Purification of ideas. 

Homeworks for the next event. 

2. Event (2 days) 

Topic: The view and politics of European Union in making business that promotes citizenship. New opportunities. 

It is a continued event in one of the partner's country. We hope to hear approaches to business and insights from citizens, politics and entrepreneurs that are from different countries. 

Homeworks for the next event. 

3. Camp (3-4 days) 


History of democratization in Europe. What is a civic behaviour? Can it help to create new forms of business? How to involve as much people as you can that have different experience, knowledge and skills? The principles of volunteering. Does the volunteering culture in Europe exists? 

Participants will prepare for the next event and will get an opportunity to combine everything that has been said to create a idea for business. 

4. Event (2 days) 

Topic: From concept to prototype. 

The main activities will be workshops and teamworks where necessary skill will be developed. Team from partners will start building actual prototypes. It is like hackathon where teams compete with each other and the best ideas are selected. At the end of the event teams will present their achievements and judges will conclude the event. 

Role of the partner organisation in the project 
Panevėžys Science and Technology Park is a lead partner in this project. We are looking for partners, who would want to engage with project's activities as a partners. There will be 2 events in two of the partners' countries. Each partner should participate with two teams with innovative ideas (in any area: technological, social and etc). Each team should consist of 10 to 15 people. All team members will participate in all 5 events. 

Comments from the applicant 
Please contact us by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until February 4. 

We are also looking for comments and recommendations. 

In view of the growing mobility of citizens in the world, in the country and in the region, the Municipality of Fundão has created the Center for Migration of the Fundão, which is a space for reception, inclusion and integration. Within its various capacities, it includes the Refugee Reception Center that began activity on September 25, 1919 with the arrival of 19 applicants for international protection to the Fundão. More information in French article:

Coming from several countries of origin, all these welcome have in common a trip and a rescue boat: the Aquarius. As the integration process of these individuals is already underway, it would be of interest to hold a meeting between the various European cities that have hosted groups of refugees from this same ship.

The objective of this project is to foster the sharing of experiences between technical and welcoming teams. At the same time, it is intended to carry out inclusive and community-based activities that act as a means of raising awareness and combating racism and discrimination.
The Municipality of Fundão is the lead partner of this project, responsible for managing the proposed action. It will play a key role in building the capacities with European partners and in addition to leading the project team, monitoring the progress and undertaking the overall reporting process. It will be responsible for ensuring that all legal requirements are met and that contractual and financial regulations are correctly implemented The Municipality of Fundão have relevant experience as partner in other European Cooperation program (URBACT, INTERREG EUROPE, POCTEP). 
European cities that have hosted groups of refugees from this same ship Aquarius, and or small and medium towns wishing to receive refugees.

“Never Forget, Holocaust, Never Repeat – Music Writes Memories– combating prejudices, discrimination, racism, Anti-Semitism for tolerance”
This project has been running for eight years now. So far 75 public lectures, over 14.500 direct participants, via media tens of thousands more.
Public lectures/workshops comprising History, Music, Psychology and a survivor’s story, organized in Belgrade, Serbian cities, possibly across Europe and in the region, for the young (primarily high schools pupils), teachers, students, wide audience, for media, civil servants, Diplomatic Core. Moderator conducts the lecture (1.40 h) linking the Choir, Historian and Psychologist with the Survivor’s story. Music is introducing the period, atmosphere and event. The Historian explains historical facts, figures, dates (PP Presentation), while the Survivor tells personal, true story on his/her (family) suffering. Short description of (Jewish) life in Belgrade and the country/Europe before the War, during (manipulation, humiliation, restrictions, extermination, camps, fighting), and after. Documentary photos complement the lecture. Learning on sites of suffering in Belgrade/Serbia, region wide/EU. Music clarifies the period before, during (suffering, killing, fighting, expresses gratitude, calls for remembrance), after. Social Psychologist (PP Presentation) -The explanation of the nature and origins of Holocaust (Anti-Anti-Semitism) is put in a much broader context of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination in general. Numerous sources of Prejudices Stereotypes Discrimination (PSD) are discussed. Among the origins of PSD, the role of social and historical situation, propaganda and socialization in school, roles of family and society are emphasized. The participants understand the process of discrimination - described by focusing on the roles of perpetrators, bystanders and helpers which not only make them better understand WWII (Holocaust) but make them better recognize the present wrong doings (examples of today) and future (permanent) dangers. Role of Righteous Among the Nations. Holocaust has happened and should never ever happen to anyone. Evaluation/questionnaire lists filled.

Activity 1. Workshop (travelling)
Activity 2. Research – anonymous questionnaire  +
               results systematized, analyzed ,  printed as
               brochure + exchange (country comparison)
Activity 3. Survivor’s story recorded (educational
                 DVD distribution)
Activity 4. Competition on Holocaust and
                combating prejudices/discrimination
                Essay, poem, poster, badge, video clip,
Activity 5. Round tables (travelling)  or Follow up
Activity 6.Travelling Concert (final lecture) –
                 Intercultural Musical Holiday Evening +
2. Cultural activities
    Concerts, exchange, festivals, workshops,
   intercultural dialogue, fight against prejudices,
    Anti-Semitism, discrimination …,Remembrance,
    non formal education, cooperation in building
    common EU culture and  history,  o celebrate EU
    cultural diversity,  citizens’ participation


Role of the partner organisation in the project
1. to participate directly with the educational      workshops, round tables  (travelling, organizing, preparing materials, research…)

2. to perform – travelling concerts, street  performances

3. to shoot/record survivors (stories) + DVD

4. distribute educational DVD

5. to participate actively in exchange (hosting)

3. to coorganize events and carry out leading partner’s undertaken tasks

4. to host events at home (round tables, conferences, meetings…)

 Comments from the applicant
We would very much appreciate to be your partner, to establish cooperation in any possible filed and project we might contribute, especially Remembrance, intercultural dialogue, music, exchange

 “European Network of Solidarity Municipalities”: 

This proposal aims to promote a network of Municipalities at European level that share a certain approach about public policies as tools to promote the values of solidarity and coexistence, integrating in an innovative way local public and private agents: small local commerce, municipal social services, associations and local governments existing in the territory. 

This proposal seeks to convert businesses into social transformation agents and generate new spaces to foster relations and articulations between citizens and the most vulnerable population. 

The project will involve thousands of people in everyday accessible gestures of solidarity that allow the social peripheries to become new customers of those local businesses in a dignified manner. 

* The idea for this project stems from a project that Zabalketa is already implementing in Getxo, SOLIDARIDUP: 

In line with the Europe for Citizens Programme Guide, this project will include, among others, the following activities: 

- Promotion of societal engagement and solidarity 

- Volunteering: activities promoting solidarity among Union citizens and beyond. 

Furthermore, in the framework of this project we have foreseen the following meetings: 

- Three meetings will be held in each participating territory, in each one of them, the tractors of the proposal, the public institutions and the social agents will participate. 

- A joint meeting will be held and that will help to bring the partners closer and know what steps are being carried out in each territory. 


Non-profit organizations that work to eradicate injustices in their immediate surroundings and that are committed to education and awareness raising activities. 

Portugal, France, Italy.


Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo
Segretariato Generale
Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma