European Commission
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali

Projects looking for Partners

L’operation Avalanche, primo atto di guerra dopo l’armistizio dell’8 settembre 1943, è stata la più grande operazione aeronavale del mediterraneo e la seconda, per importanza, di tutta la seconda guerra mondiale dopo lo sbarco in Normandia (nel 2019 ne ricorrono i 75 anni). Segnò l’inizio della ritirata dell’esercito tedesco sulla linea Gustav a difesa di Roma e successivamente della Repubblica Sociale. A seguito delle operazioni alleate Napoli insorse liberandosi dei tedeschi e nel corso del 1944 Salerno divenne sede provvisoria del governo italiano e di fatto prima capitale della Nazione liberata (nel 2019 ne ricorrono i 75 anni). L’operazione Avalanche, lo sbarco “dimenticato”, rappresenta l’opportunità per costruire un’esperienza annuale ricorrente che per conservare il ricordo degli eventi per superare le divisioni e considerare l'aspetto unificante rappresentato dal superamento del conflitto. L'analisi viene portata avanti attraverso lo studio di analoghe esperienze quali lo sbarco in Normandia, con il doppio ruolo della Francia da liberare e quello resistente, per conto della Germania, del governo collaborazionista di Vichy. Altro punto dell'analisi è invece costituito dall'assedio di Malta durante load seconda guerra mondiale, in cui  le parti si invertono e l'Italia si presenta quale aggressore nei confronti dell'Isola di Malta difesa dagli InglesiIn particolare si desidera evidenziare: Che gli eventi determinano un cambiamento di ruoli all'interno di un conflitto  (prima e dopo l'armistizio) e successivamente al raggiungimento della pace. L'Italia al tempo stesso aggressore (Francia e Malta) dall'altro vittima dell'evoluzione del conflitto e successivamente partner degli stessi nemici di un tempo. la vita dei popoli interessati direttamente al conflitto, da un lato l'area del Salernitano fu beneficiaria dell'azione del regime attraverso proprio la creazione del comune di Battipaglia di cui decorre il 90mo anniversario (1929) dall'altra  interessata dal fenomeno del confino politico e razziale (campi di prigionia nella regione e in particolare a Campagna - vedasi anche Cristo si è Fermato a Eboli di Carlo Levi) e dalle sofferenze determinate dalla condotta militare del conflitto, protagonista di esempi di resistenza popolare. Il tema si collega all'attualità attraverso lo studio del mare e degli sbarchi come elementi al tempo stesso unificanti e divisori: Il mare è elemento comune dal quale provengono insidie (tentativi di sbarchi ostili come malta), eventi dolorosi ma portatori di libertà (sbarco a Salerno e Normandia) eventi moderni come gli sbarchi della fame e della paura da parte dei migranti il progetto si basa per la sua realizzazione su alcune linee programmatiche precise: coinvolgimento della popolazione civile nel processo di riscoperta e in una operazione di memoria familiare collettiva per la riemersione dei patrimoni familiari nascosti coinvolgimento dei ragazzi delle scuole in un processo attivo di studio ma anche di dissemination riscontro con realtà internazionali interessate ai medesimi ambiti tematici utilizzo di tecnologie innovative web per la conservazione e diffusione open data

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As a part of its information and communications  activities , the Municipality of Sant’Arsenio intends to activate a town twinning with the aim of encouraging the participation of citizens, especially young people.In this town,indeed,young people who have had direct and indirect contacts with  europe, through the presence on the spot of a European parliamentarian, they have a different attitude and sometimes in contrast with it. Europe through the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination and guarantees equal treatment and equal opportunities for all. These are fundamental tasks for the European Union that can be disseminated and applied starting from the bottom to upwards, involving the participation of the population in these events such as twinnings. In this context, twinning can bring the population closer to the knowledge and awareness of the Europe of rights, values ​​and responsibilities. The young people of today and the whole population will have direct experience so that the importance of the wealth of opinions, cultures, traditions, religions and languages ​​can emerge. Everyone can be promoters of the culture of being together, of gender equality, of non-discrimination, of respect for differences. The Eurobarometer survey found that the 43%  of  Italians under 30 years old  would like to stay in Europe, therefore it is necessary to dialogue and inform just that part of the population that is not very progressive and perhaps not very informed. The twinning in the municipality of Sant’Arsenio provides  hospitality  for a period of  7 days. In these days the delegation will meet the local authorities and the population. An information seminar will be organized in which the authorities and the population will participate. There will be moments of exchange: with young people and  with students. These moments of exchange will be the end of an organized structured path,according to needs,in their own contries. The twinning will end with the signing of the brotherhood pact.

  „BE THE CHANGE“, Ambassadors of the future 

This project is a follow-up of the current ‘Small municipalities against euroscepticism – SMUG EU’. 

Project has the goal to foster democratic engagement of citizens and spreading positivity in our society. I today’s life, we are all bombarded with negative information, especially through the media. We decided to counter this and spread only positivity through actions, campaigns and gatherings. 

The focal point will be results gathered in the SMUG EU project and ideas all participants gave us (eurooptimism strategy). 

In the SMUG EU project, euroscepticism was highly debated. Following this, we will act upon all given ideas and do some concrete work. Activities (given by people on SMUG EU debates) are : 


- Designing and implementing a campaign (YouTube, magazine, web) where only positive news are being published about projects, solidarity, society, future…. 

- Events will be organized (competitions that test our knowledge of the EU, multicultural gatherings that focus on team spirit, solidarity and tolerance) 

- Included will be local institutions to organize info-days and other 


We are looking for new partners to include in our consortium and spread the projects’ impact. 

Already included are Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Macedonia and Croatia. So, we seek partners from the other countries – can be Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Austria… 


Partners searched Countries 
Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Austria or other 

Public authorities (municipalities and small cities) and various associations related to the theme. 


 The project will consist: 

1. The project preparing meeting with the representatives of project-partners from Poland, Belarus, Russia and Czech Republic. 

2. Development methodological and information materials about the “Polish operation” in three languages for free download on the web-page and use during the conference meetings with young persons (in three languages: Polish, Russian and English) 

3. Preparing the informational exhibition “Remember: Polish operation and the

Holocaust”. Europeans between two totalitarianisms”. 

4. Preparation of a 1-day conference in Wroclaw upon the following topic: “Remember: Polish operation and the Holocaust”. Europeans between two totalitarianisms”. 

5. Organizing the conference meetings with young persons, mainly school boys and school girls. We plan: 

- 6 - 8 meetings in Poland; 

- 1 – 2 meetings in Belarus; 

- 1 – 2 meetings in Russia; 

- 1 meeting in Czech republic. 

We plan that participants of all meetings represent different countries. 

6. (6) 01.11.2020–31.11.2020 

Submitting financial and narrative project reports 

The project will promote mutual understanding, friendship and tolerance between European nations: Poles, Russians, Belarus, Ukrainians, Germans, Lithuanians and the Jewish nation. Special attention will be paid to the young generations of these European nations. The project will be devoted to the memory of the “Polish operation” organized by the Stalin’s totalitarianism in the years of “great terror” (1937 – 1938) in comparison to the fate of other nationalities at that time. Out of about 1 000 000 Soviet Poles about 200 000 persons were annihilated by the Stalin’s secrete police - NKWD. This crime has all the traces of the 

genocide and has many essential common features with the Holocaust. As one of survivors of the “Polish operation” admitted: “To be a Pole in the Soviet Union in 1938 is almost the same as to be a Jew in the occupied Europe during the second world war”. But as compared to the Holocaust the “Polish operation” is almost a forgotten event in the history of “Stalinism”, in the history of totalitarianism. The reason is the following. The Soviet Union won the war and all the crimes of the Stalinist system were thoroughly hidden by its perpetrators. Only the collapse of communism in 1991 permitted us to start the process of restoration of the historical memory of Europeans. 

In the realms of our project we are going to organize 10 – 15 conferences at schools of Poland, Belarus, Czech republic and Russia on the topic of similarity between communist and Nazi atrocities in Europe. Conferences will include the presentation of the exhibition on this topic, showing the film about this and a lecture by a leading historian on this topic. The most important part of the project will be an open discussion between participants from different countries. 

Role of the partner organization in the project 
Active participation in preparing meeting (1) 01.09.2019–15.10.2019 

Participation in development methodological and information materials about the “Polish operation” in three languages (2) 15.10.2019–15.01.2020 

Participation in a 1-day conference in Wroclaw upon the following topic: “Remember: Polish operation and the Holocaust”. Europeans between two totalitarianisms”, inviting needed participants from the own country and involving mass media (4) 15.01.2020–30.04.2020 

Participation in organising the conference meeting with young persons in your own country (6) 01.11.2020–30.11.2020 .



Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo
Segretariato Generale
Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma