European Commission
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali

Projects looking for Partners

Gemellaggio e convegno internazionale anche con gruppi di musica popolare internazionale sul tema:LE MONTAGNE CALDE " : miti e leggende,  Santi Protettori e riti di Fondazione.Vorremmo trovare tre Gruppi o associazioni Estere che voglio eseguire questo italia si svolgerà a Somma Vesuviana (Na) alle falde del Vesuvio nel Settembre 2020

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Gemellaggio Festival TAMBURI LONTANI,

The construction of a scapegoat is a complex process that can be analyzed by several points of view, however one of its fundamental aspects is the “de-humanization” of an individual or a group of individuals who are no longer classified as "humans" then owners of determined qualities and rights but expendable beings to appease anger and frustration of the rest of society. The construction of the scapegoat and the dehumanization process assume even more devastating connotations if, as in totalitarian regimes, it is fomented by governments that spur entire peoples and nations to persecute minority groups causing human tragedies such as mass exterminations and ethnic cleansing. However, even in these contexts they are episodes of “re-humanization” that sometimes take the form of real heroic deeds, the reference is to people like the Polish nurse Irena Sendler and the Italian officer Giorgio Perlasca that opposed the collective vision of hatred towards the Jews and managed with intelligence and courage to save thousands of people from the Nazi deportations. Starting from these assumptions the project aims at:  - analyze the psychological, anthropological and political processes of scapegoat construction in totalitarian regimes - understand reasons and motivations that brings the mentioned characters to rebel against the collective vision and analyze the de-construction process of a scapegoat - reflect on the new scapegoat construction processes in a democratic system especially with a focus on European countries. We will focus in particular on the story of Irena Sendler and we will use theatrical art as innovative tool for investigating the inner path of this heroine with the collaboration of the italian art director Roberto Giordano.

"A Europe without walls", a project conceived and implemented by ENNA FEDERCONSUMATORIES that operate as an association of consumers. The project was created with the aim of giving the cities that will be part of the project more solid conditions for greater cohesion and social inclusion of its inhabitants, including the population of people outside Europe. The main idea was to:To build citizenship pathways for immigrants, promoting awareness of citizenship rights and duties and self-organisation skills to achieve forms of social inclusion;Promote employment and training by giving a social role to young women and men who ask for political refuge, enhancing their professional skills and through the start-up of autonomous or collective enterprises;Sculpting future visions and creating a sense of community in the collective imagination through processes of "rapprochement" of the general population towards refugees, and vice versa, creating solidarity networks."A Europe without walls" does not want to be a project aimed only at partner associations, but rather the implementation of processes that, beyond the project, will mobilize people, institutions, groups and organizations by determining new forms of alliances and strategies together, which can bring to the common participants greater social cohesion and sense of community among non-EU citizens.The project will see the collaboration of Immigrants with municipalities and partner associations, aware that the present and future of these cities should be everyone. The creation of the project will be supported by a path of mutual recognition, where it is possible to discover the prejudices and cultural preconceptions that everyone carries with them, rework the experiences made and reinterpret them with new meanings in the light of comparison and cultural interaction.The realization and the experience of national and international comparison trips will give the possibility to the young people involved to confront themselves with other and different realities on the issue of integration and social inclusion of minorities.Another objective of the project is to contribute to transforming the structure of the social services of the participating cities, to (re)build a real capacity for a widespread, equitable and universalistic response, thanks to a common vision and strategy and a new responsible, community, solidarity and organized approach.With the aim of moving from the welfare of the administration to the welfare of the European Community, the project is aimed at all the cities involved with the aim of triggering a significant evolution in the sign of universalism and equity. In this sense, the beneficiaries will be, directly or indirectly, all the citizens who will enjoy the results of the project.Deadline partner's expression of interest in participating in the project proposal

The main aim of the project is to bring together citizens, institutions, NGOs of the partners and celebrate diversity. The partners shall showcase their cultural and social features as well as typical sport and leisure pastimes. The EU project schedules meetings with MEPs and local authorities on the future of Europe from the standpoint of the power of sport and team work to facilitate dialogue, the art of negotiation and compromise, and peaceful thinking against the backdrop of a multicultural Union.Beside joining the meeting, the partner cities are expected to implement preparatory actions as well as a follow up, meaning that before and after the meeting they shall engage with the citizens, communicate and disseminate about the project goals, hold preparatory meetings, ensure sustainability.The partners shall pledge their commitment to sustain the project in the long run. Granze plans to develop a network of partner towns ensuring the sustainability of the actions carried out in this first town meeting to be followed by others. The partners are expected to give availability to replicate the CSF project in their own towns .Main project activities are: workshops, concerts, community dinners, European games and sport activities, parade, etc.Target groups: adults between 18 and 40. This project applies a equal opportunity policy. Disadvantaged groups are welcome to join.Total number of invited participants ranging from 86 to 100Local partners sponsoring this project are: Province of Padova, Granze Parish Community, AVIS, Proloco, Sport clubs, civil protection, Cities of Lozzo, Solesino, Barbona, Vighizzolo, Villa Estense, Sant'Urbano, Vò, Stanghella. A small city populated by 2,000 people, Granze lies south-west of Padova, in the Veneto Region.The meeting of citizens is expected to take place from 3 to 7 September 2020 (travel days included).The grant for projects about 86/100 invited participants amounts to a lump sum of € 14,615.00.Cities, twinning committees or non-profit organisations representing local authorities are welcome to submit their expression of interest


Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo
Segretariato Generale
Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma