European Commission
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali

Projects looking for Partners

Progeu is looking for experienced Associations partners for a project "Europe for Citizens - Democratic engagement and civic participation.Civil society".We would like to create a winning partnership involving other EU Member States (preferably to Portugal, Greece or Malta) with the aim of facilitating dialogue between EU Institutions and citizens.Please send your candidature to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (inevitably including this code: SG01)".

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The Foundation Universitat Jaume I-Empresa (FUE-UJI) is a body governed by public law. The aim of FUE-UJI is to collaborate with the University and the Civil Society in the development of activities related to young people. We have a great experience in EU projects regarding, inclusion, gender, diversity, solidarity, democratic participation, EU values and democratic foundations, youth connection to the EU, empowering youth organisations, innovative ways of cooperation, networking…

EuroFUE-UJI - Partner Search.pdf
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The University of Rijeka Foundation was founded in 2003 with the initiative of the City of Rijeka, Primorsko-Gorska county and the University of Rijeka.

The mission of the Foundation is fundraising with the aim of continuous investment and development of scientific and research infrastructure, activities, quality of education and human resources.

At the same time, the mission of the Foundation is realized by encouraging and rewarding significant achievements in the field of science, art and knowledge transfer and the promotion of the idea of knowledge society and active and inclusive citizenship.

Foundation cooperates with the academic community, faculties, public institutions, government, business sector and NGOs on local, national and international level.

The Foundation also carries out a number of programs and national, regional and EU projects, roundtables, forums, workshops, humanitarian, public and volunteering actions and fundraising campaigns in the field of gender equality, sustainable development, education, human rights, youth and philanthropy.

Partner-Search_University of Rijeka Foundation.docx
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We would like to be partners to the applicant organizations in the following fields: Projects in the field of gender equality:Awareness raising projects, campaigns, advocacy, and similar.Women working rightsEducating employers on gender equalityEmpowering womenReproductive rights/justiceEuropean Union’s policy for gender equalityComparative analysis of gender equality  in EU Member states (in the field of work and reproductive rights)Legal advisory in the field of women’s working rightsPsychological support  for women in the field of reproductive rightsPrevention of gender based violenceFeminism Projects in the field of Human rights and active participation: ActivismDemocratic processesRoles and responsibility of citizensActive engagement of citizensFollowing and survey of public policiesAccess to equal rightsAnti-discrimination policyRight to informationCritical approach to media and news   Projects in the field of Youth: Active civic participation and democracyStructured dialogueComprehensive sexuality education Human rightsWomen rightsForum theatreComprehensive sexual education

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‘INVOLVING SOCIETY IN PRESERVING CULTURAL HERITAGE FOR SMART DEVELOPMENT IN EUROPEAN REGIONS’  The main goal is to exchange the experience with municipalities/ organisations of other countries to preserve Cultural Heritage based on society information and activationTasks: - to create the network of territories/ towns in preservation of Cultural Heritage in local municipalities, - to develop methods of public information and involvement in Cultural Heritage processes, - to raise the activity of population to discuss smart future of Europe, - to see the examples of good practice in European regions,- to get to know examples of municipal cooperation with entrepreneurs, private public partnership as a tool to preserve and to develop objects,

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Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo
Segretariato Generale
Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma