21 GENNAIO 2019 - Municipality of Dörgicse
Municipality of Dörgicse
Non ci sono progetti
Fő utca 16 8244 Dörgicse
- Deadline project proposals: 2020-01-21
- Deadline partner’s expression of interest in participating in the project proposal: 2019-02-21
- Action, Measure in the framework Action, Measure in the framework of “Europe for Citizens” Programme: Strand 2. Democratic engagement and civic participation. Town Twinning
We would launch a series of programs for our international partners, which would take place in a culturally and touristically sparkling period in our village and on several points of lake Balaton. We would organize our meeting in the summer period, in parallel with the Valley of Arts Hungarian festival. The program would help families with children, especially large families, to deepen family relationships with art therapy methods and to learn about themselves and other European family models.
In our program we would focus on the art values and traditions of the Balaton-felvidék area. We plan programs especially for kids, and activities which are interesting both for men and women. We would like to help families which could not afford before to spend their holidays together, to travel with all the family members together. Thea could try themselves as a family in an international environment mainly with non-formal learning methods.
Our goals:
To gradually develop our town twinning network by families.
To develop long-term exchanges, and support families in bad financial situation.
To integrate isolated families in EU programs.
To build a common future based on the exchange of experiences.
To spend summer among international children in this small aging but wonderful village.
To help youngsters to be aware of their own and European traditions.
Appreciation of our common traditions, activating and shaping the perception of the citizens of the region.
Role of the partner organization in the project :
To delegate participants and help in the translations and communication for the wider audience. Help to seek for other long-term partnerships becoming a part of a bigger network of European organisations supporting big families or families in bad financial situation. Share experiences in other EU projects or town twinning projects.