European Commission
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali

gsi italia

Contact person

Name: Marta De Santis


Telephone num.: +39074349987

gsi italia

Non ci sono progetti | via bazzanese 73 06049 spoleto
ONG di cooperazione allo sviluppo, associazione di volontariato, onlus

Projects proposal expired

23 LUGLIO 2019 - gsi italia
Abstract: BEYOND DUBLIN The political and social phenomenon of sovereignty is the expression of electoral appetites but has found and finds support in the 1990 Dublin agreement. Agreement underestimated in the consequences at the time of the signature by the detractors today of the agreement and object of dispute between governments, all convinced, however, that a review of the agreement should be put on the agenda and in this sense Von Der Leyen, head of the new Commission, expressed herself. The project intends to directly involve 300 citizens per participating Country, in various ways interested in the topic, others 500 indirectly through social media, to study and discuss in interviews/workshops, accompanied by technical facilitators and with the final result sought: the formulation of 10 Recommendations for policy makers and administrators of the new EC, to be delivered in agreed form by representatives of the project partners to the European Parliament. The 10 final Recommendations will be those agreed between the partners in a meeting in Italy, starting from the Recommendations formulated by the different participants/Country.  
16 LUGLIO 2019 - gsi italia
Abstract: THE ART OF INTERCUTURAL DIALOGUE Europe, with the richness of its culture and history, is the ideal cradle for a culture of minorities. The stereotypes, the prejudices, which a self-referential policy imposes in a winning way on the population in many countries of the Union, often criminalize the immigrant, effectively questioning any integration process, forcing everyone to a relationship armed with certainties. The project intends to design practicable counter narration paths, with a series of activities, in search of results capable of bringing about a reduction of the growing unease, often configured as a real fear.The channel is that of ART. The target groups: associations and youth operators engaged in promoting intercultural dialogue and active citizenship of young people and women.The expected result is therefore the strengthening of the associations, through the exchange and definition of good practices.3 campus, one per countryThe purpose: to facilitate dialogue between young people. In conjunction with the campus in Italy, a Festival dedicated to intercultural dialogue will be organized. Typical music, dances from distant countries, films, reading of poems by immigrants will involve young people participating in the initiative and not. The festival will promote the knowledge and richness of cultural diversity as a value to be shared, as well as respect for a common cultural heritage.Finally the good practices collected by the associations, the experiences of the young people involved and the artistic products will find their place in a publication. All the phases and activities of the project will be resumed and everything will become a documentary of the experience realized, a documentary that, obviously, will be realized by the young people themselves in an intercultural way on the theme of intercultural.
16 LUGLIO 2020 - gsi italia
Abstract: The project intends to draw a path of education to the solidarity of the new European citizens children of migration with the adoption of altruistic behaviors, civic responsibility and active citizenship, such as the practice of the free, voluntary and periodic gift of blood and organs. A health practice useful for the whole community but also of integration and identity sign of belonging to the community in which we live.There are three target populations to which the project intends to address with a series of activities: the Migrant Associations, the Associations of the Bodies that carry out activities in favor of immigrants, the doctors of Basic Medicine and the Professional Orders of the Doctors.


Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo
Segretariato Generale
Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma