European Commission
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali


Contact person

Name: Jasmina BOCKAJ



Non ci sono progetti |
Organization type
LAG Prizag is a non-profit organization which aims to foster the rural development of 11 municipalities. Members from the LAG come from the economic, civil and public sector. Their mission is to improve the quality of life and foster citizenship in this area. Various civil organizations are a part of LAG PRIZAG: cultural and artistic associations, associations of young people, associations of women, fire departments and sports associations. These associations involve a lot of volunteers in their activities, thus being able to provide a majority of volunteers to participate in projects and engage in the public domain. LAG PRIZAG continuously works on bringing the EU closer to the citizens of its area - by writing and applying projects for EU funding, cooperation in the implementation of ongoing projects, thus striving for local rural development.

Projects proposal expired

2 FEBBRAIO 2019 - Prigorje-Zagorje

  „BE THE CHANGE“, Ambassadors of the future 

This project is a follow-up of the current ‘Small municipalities against euroscepticism – SMUG EU’. 

Project has the goal to foster democratic engagement of citizens and spreading positivity in our society. I today’s life, we are all bombarded with negative information, especially through the media. We decided to counter this and spread only positivity through actions, campaigns and gatherings. 

The focal point will be results gathered in the SMUG EU project and ideas all participants gave us (eurooptimism strategy). 

In the SMUG EU project, euroscepticism was highly debated. Following this, we will act upon all given ideas and do some concrete work. Activities (given by people on SMUG EU debates) are : 


- Designing and implementing a campaign (YouTube, magazine, web) where only positive news are being published about projects, solidarity, society, future…. 

- Events will be organized (competitions that test our knowledge of the EU, multicultural gatherings that focus on team spirit, solidarity and tolerance) 

- Included will be local institutions to organize info-days and other 


We are looking for new partners to include in our consortium and spread the projects’ impact. 

Already included are Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Macedonia and Croatia. So, we seek partners from the other countries – can be Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Austria… 


Partners searched Countries 
Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Austria or other 

Public authorities (municipalities and small cities) and various associations related to the theme. 


Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo
Segretariato Generale
Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma