Di: Azienda Speciale Consortile del Lodigiano per i Servizi alla Persona
Non ci sono progetti

Deadline project proposals: 2019-08-20
Deadline partner’s expression of interest in participating in the project proposal: 2019-08-02
Action, Measure in the framework Action, Measure in the framework of “Europe for Citizens” Programme: Strand 2. Democratic engagement and civic participation. Networks of towns
Leader partner: Municipality of Lodi (LO), Lombardy, ItalyPartner 1: UCAM_Universidad catolica de Murcia- SpainOther partners to look for in other municipalitiesBeneficiaries:N° 800 citizens (total for 4 countries)N°12 political directors of local authorities (total for 4 countries)N° 216 technical managers of local authorities and managers of activities in the Third Sector (total for 4 countries)General objective: The project aims to promote the concept of solidarity as a multiplier of resources: The civic and democratic participation of citizens at the level of the European Union will be encouraged and the debate on the dichotomy between solidarity and responsibility will be stimulated. In line with priority 2“Promoting solidarity in times of crisis”of the measure Network of Municipalities of Axis 2 -Democratic engagement and civic participation of the Europe for Citizens programme; with Article 3 TEU, the TFEU, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, international conventions, the Europe 2020 strategy and the European pillars of social rights.  Specific objective 1: Awareness raising of citizens, including policy-makers, technicians and stakeholders in the Partner sectors, on the relationship between solidarity and responsibility to overcome the national perception of the crisis and recognize the potential of solidarity practices and active participation in EU policies.Specific objective 2: Identification and comparison among citizens of good solidarity practices in crisis situations in the territorial experiences of the four countries.Specific objective 3: Building a cross-national network to identify mechanisms for and develop channels of solidarity.