Deadline project proposals:
Deadline partner’s expression of interest in participating in the project proposal:
Action, Measure in the framework Action, Measure in the framework of “Europe for Citizens” Programme:
Strand 2. Democratic engagement and civic participation. Civil society project
The "XYZ" project aims to promote democratic commitment and civic participation among European citizens with particular reference to young people. We want to give citizens the opportunity to describe what kind of Europe they want, in a long-term vision for the future of Europe integration, in order to enhance a new kind of participation at EU level. Three transnational partner from A, B, and C are involed with the participation of 2 universitie and 1 cultural association, linked to the European Union by very different political, economic, social, cultural and historical reasons. The project internt to: create an international network capable to involving the greates number of citizens; promote new opportunities for intercultural exchange; Stimulate a collective dialogue in favour of a dynamic, respectful and multifaceted European citizenhsip; promote new opportunities for intercultural exchange; produce greater knowledge of the history of the Union; develop a greater understanding of European policies, highlighting the benefits of the Union and reinforcing the sense of belonging European social and political cohesion.We also want to soften widespread Euroscepticism, stimulating interculttural dialogue and creating opportunities for direct participation in the policy making-proccess.Role of the partner organization in the project:Preparing interactive seminars and workshop with different target groups, preparing video, dissemination documents and organize 1 final conference in your own countryComment from the applicantVariuos type of organizations are welcome (such as research and education centres, NGOs, civil society organisations, schools, and municipalities) and different levels of involvements are expected. Please, if you are interested contact:
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