European Commission
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali

Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Culture and Education

Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Culture and Education

Un progetto inserito | 23 Nikolay Rakitin Str. Sofia
Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Culture and Education is a non-profit organization, based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Our mission is to promote, assist and support the development of culture, science, education, innovation and the entrepreneurial qualities of the Bulgarian citizens. The Foundation promotes freedom of cultural expression, encourages and organizes creative initiatives in all fields of art, culture, media and education in an independent and creative nature. FECE was registered in January 2014. The foundation seeks to implement creative projects in the field of culture, media, education and entrepreneurial activities. The organization provides financial or managerial support of the conduct of cultural events, festivals, seminars, round tables, conferences and symposiums.

Projects proposal

29 LUGLIO 2019 - Mariya Rachinska

2017 marked the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome that reflect on the state of the EU, the future of Europe and the integration process. In the same year,  the White Paper on the future of Europe maps out strategies and paths to identify challenges facing Europe in the upcoming years. One of the challenges is clearly identified in the growing mistrust in EU institutions and the integration process.

In the recent years Europe is facing an immigrant crisis with more than 59, 5 million people forced to flee their countries of origin because of persecution, conflict, and violence or human rights violations. This continuous immigrant flow increases the tensions among European citizens and contributes to the growing scepticism in EU policies. The flow of migrants from diverse backgrounds accelerates changes in the cultural environment within the host countries. Cultural diversity may evoke fear and rejection within national communities, and prompt stereotyping, racism, xenophobia, intolerance and discrimination.

The project “My Multi-faced Europe” stimulates an informed debate on the future of Europe in the context of the immigrant flow and the changing cultural map of Europe. Through this debate, the project intends to foster intercultural dialogue between migrant and local communities. One of the aims of the project is the juxtaposition of participants viewing cultural diversity as enrichment to those who see it as a threat.  In this way the project will challenge the perception of migrants as a threat which is an integral part to Euroscepticism.

The project will focus on managing cultural diversity in a democratic and non-violent way and to bridge the divide between local and migrant communities through shared activities. Another project objective is to create an environment where the groups can discuss and share their vision on the future of Europe. The project will introduce the European Union, discuss the subjective and objective meaning of the European core values and enhance a sense of European community and belonging.

Role of the partner organisation in the project

The partner organizations will be involved in each activity of the project and they will implement similar actions in their regions. During a preparatory meeting all activities will be discussed and delegated accordingly.


Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo
Segretariato Generale
Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma