European Commission
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali



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Telephone num.: 3890683544


3 progetti inseriti | VIA CARDUCCI N. 16 94100 ENNA
Organization type
FEDERCONSUMATORI ENNA, ASSOCIAZIONE ONLUS. Breve descrizione dell’organizzazione, La Federconsumatori, costituita nel 1988, è un'associazione senza scopo di lucro che ha come obiettivi prioritari l'informazione e la tutela dei consumatori ed utenti. Alla sua costituzione hanno contribuito anche esperti di consumerismo operanti nell'ambito dell'università, dell'informazione e del Parlamento, impegnati da anni in difesa dei diritti dei consumatori.

Projects proposal

Abstract: sustainability of action  This project, in line with the ultimate aim of the "EUROPE FOR CITIZENS" programme (2.1: Town Twinning), to bring the Union closer to its citizens, aims to raise awareness among "small European citizens" of issues relating to environmental sustainability, respect for the territory and its many products (agricultural landscape and typical products, etc..), with a view to a circular economy. All this to try to improve the conditions for civic and democratic participation at EU level. The project in general aims to raise awareness of a very important consumer, "the child and adolescent", to raise awareness among the new generations to respect the environment, promote continuity between educational information and training, aimed at adequate environmental liveability and link and promote exchange between school and voluntary associations. The wealth of experience that the "small European citizen" brings with him, can be complementary to the training of young people to respect themselves and others, the importance of relationships with others, the values of solidarity and altruism, the responsibility of civil living and volunteering. The specific objectives of the SAT project can be summarised as follows: - To make known and promote the centrality of the rural world and the role of agriculture, in the affirmation of values such as: renewable energy, healthy food, quality of life, respect for nature for current and future generations. - To promote a knowledge of the rural, agricultural and forestry environment as a whole, the necessity of behavioural norms suitable for an active defence, a correct use and respect of natural environments. - To promote the knowledge of the agricultural products of the territory characterized by certified quality and high food healthiness. - Promote actions that encourage a new food policy aimed at making informed choices about food and healthy eating habits. - Knowing, socializing, training and changing the way we manage culture, supply and food waste. - To make known and promote the multifunctional role of the artisan company as a supplier of goods and services, to protect the environment and the rural landscape. The results of the project will be pursued with a European dimension, promoting opportunities for social and intercultural engagement and volunteering at EU level. This project is in line with the objectives of the "EUROPE FOR CITIZENS" programme (2.1: Town Twinning) and is also structured for multi-annual activities.  
Abstract: "A Europe without walls", a project conceived and implemented by ENNA FEDERCONSUMATORIES that operate as an association of consumers. The project was created with the aim of giving the cities that will be part of the project more solid conditions for greater cohesion and social inclusion of its inhabitants, including the population of people outside Europe. The main idea was to:To build citizenship pathways for immigrants, promoting awareness of citizenship rights and duties and self-organisation skills to achieve forms of social inclusion;Promote employment and training by giving a social role to young women and men who ask for political refuge, enhancing their professional skills and through the start-up of autonomous or collective enterprises;Sculpting future visions and creating a sense of community in the collective imagination through processes of "rapprochement" of the general population towards refugees, and vice versa, creating solidarity networks."A Europe without walls" does not want to be a project aimed only at partner associations, but rather the implementation of processes that, beyond the project, will mobilize people, institutions, groups and organizations by determining new forms of alliances and strategies together, which can bring to the common participants greater social cohesion and sense of community among non-EU citizens.The project will see the collaboration of Immigrants with municipalities and partner associations, aware that the present and future of these cities should be everyone. The creation of the project will be supported by a path of mutual recognition, where it is possible to discover the prejudices and cultural preconceptions that everyone carries with them, rework the experiences made and reinterpret them with new meanings in the light of comparison and cultural interaction.The realization and the experience of national and international comparison trips will give the possibility to the young people involved to confront themselves with other and different realities on the issue of integration and social inclusion of minorities.Another objective of the project is to contribute to transforming the structure of the social services of the participating cities, to (re)build a real capacity for a widespread, equitable and universalistic response, thanks to a common vision and strategy and a new responsible, community, solidarity and organized approach.With the aim of moving from the welfare of the administration to the welfare of the European Community, the project is aimed at all the cities involved with the aim of triggering a significant evolution in the sign of universalism and equity. In this sense, the beneficiaries will be, directly or indirectly, all the citizens who will enjoy the results of the project.
Abstract: "A Europe without walls", a project conceived and implemented by ENNA FEDERCONSUMATORIES that operate as an association of consumers. The project was created with the aim of giving the cities that will be part of the project more solid conditions for greater cohesion and social inclusion of its inhabitants, including the population of people outside Europe. The main idea was to:To build citizenship pathways for immigrants, promoting awareness of citizenship rights and duties and self-organisation skills to achieve forms of social inclusion;Promote employment and training by giving a social role to young women and men who ask for political refuge, enhancing their professional skills and through the start-up of autonomous or collective enterprises;Sculpting future visions and creating a sense of community in the collective imagination through processes of "rapprochement" of the general population towards refugees, and vice versa, creating solidarity networks."A Europe without walls" does not want to be a project aimed only at partner associations, but rather the implementation of processes that, beyond the project, will mobilize people, institutions, groups and organizations by determining new forms of alliances and strategies together, which can bring to the common participants greater social cohesion and sense of community among non-EU citizens.The project will see the collaboration of Immigrants with municipalities and partner associations, aware that the present and future of these cities should be everyone. The creation of the project will be supported by a path of mutual recognition, where it is possible to discover the prejudices and cultural preconceptions that everyone carries with them, rework the experiences made and reinterpret them with new meanings in the light of comparison and cultural interaction.The realization and the experience of national and international comparison trips will give the possibility to the young people involved to confront themselves with other and different realities on the issue of integration and social inclusion of minorities.Another objective of the project is to contribute to transforming the structure of the social services of the participating cities, to (re)build a real capacity for a widespread, equitable and universalistic response, thanks to a common vision and strategy and a new responsible, community, solidarity and organized approach.With the aim of moving from the welfare of the administration to the welfare of the European Community, the project is aimed at all the cities involved with the aim of triggering a significant evolution in the sign of universalism and equity. In this sense, the beneficiaries will be, directly or indirectly, all the citizens who will enjoy the results of the project.

Projects proposal expired

Abstract: "A Europe without walls", a project conceived and implemented by ENNA FEDERCONSUMATORIES that operate as an association of consumers. The project was created with the aim of giving the cities that will be part of the project more solid conditions for greater cohesion and social inclusion of its inhabitants, including the population of people outside Europe. The main idea was to:To build citizenship pathways for immigrants, promoting awareness of citizenship rights and duties and self-organisation skills to achieve forms of social inclusion;Promote employment and training by giving a social role to young women and men who ask for political refuge, enhancing their professional skills and through the start-up of autonomous or collective enterprises;Sculpting future visions and creating a sense of community in the collective imagination through processes of "rapprochement" of the general population towards refugees, and vice versa, creating solidarity networks."A Europe without walls" does not want to be a project aimed only at partner associations, but rather the implementation of processes that, beyond the project, will mobilize people, institutions, groups and organizations by determining new forms of alliances and strategies together, which can bring to the common participants greater social cohesion and sense of community among non-EU citizens.The project will see the collaboration of Immigrants with municipalities and partner associations, aware that the present and future of these cities should be everyone. The creation of the project will be supported by a path of mutual recognition, where it is possible to discover the prejudices and cultural preconceptions that everyone carries with them, rework the experiences made and reinterpret them with new meanings in the light of comparison and cultural interaction.The realization and the experience of national and international comparison trips will give the possibility to the young people involved to confront themselves with other and different realities on the issue of integration and social inclusion of minorities.Another objective of the project is to contribute to transforming the structure of the social services of the participating cities, to (re)build a real capacity for a widespread, equitable and universalistic response, thanks to a common vision and strategy and a new responsible, community, solidarity and organized approach.With the aim of moving from the welfare of the administration to the welfare of the European Community, the project is aimed at all the cities involved with the aim of triggering a significant evolution in the sign of universalism and equity. In this sense, the beneficiaries will be, directly or indirectly, all the citizens who will enjoy the results of the project.Deadline partner's expression of interest in participating in the project proposal


Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo
Segretariato Generale
Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma